What is the difference between LitCharts A+ and a LitCharts free account?

LitCharts A+ is our premium subscription, which costs a monthly or annual fee, depending on which version of the subscription you choose. LitCharts A+ subscribers get all of the following benefits:

  • PDF downloads of 880+ LitCharts Literature Guides
  • Teacher Editions with classroom-ready activities to accompany every Literature Guide
  • Explanations and citation info for over 18,000 quotes across all of our titles
  • Complete translations of all 37 Shakespeare plays (plus the Sonnets), including PDF downloads
  • PDFs with in-depth explanations of over 130 key Literary Terms
  • Advanced search for our entire collection, which makes it easy to find themes, symbols and more across texts
  • Highlights and notes: save parts our literature guides for reference later, and annotate them with your own notes
  • Related themes: compare and contrast themes between two or more texts
  • All features in the LitCharts free account are also accessible to LitCharts A+ subscribers.

LitCharts free accounts are, as the name implies, free. LitCharts free accounts allow you to:

  • Make requests that we cover a specific book or title. 
  • Get notified when we publish new titles.
  • Save your own highlights and notes on our literature guides.

Over time, we will be adding more features to the LitCharts free account.

If you have a LitCharts A+ subscription that expires, it will automatically downgrade to a LitCharts free account. You can upgrade your free account back to a LitCharts A+ account at any time.