If I don’t live in the USA, can I still sign up for LitCharts A+?
Yes! We have both Free and LitCharts A+ subscribers from all over the world!
Our prices are shown in U.S. dollars, but if you use another currency, your credit card company will handle the conversion automatically at the time of purchase and will apply the latest exchange rate.
This means that depending on your country and currency, the amount that shows on your statement may differ from our $10.95 USD/month or $71.40/year subscription charge. This is entirely due to currency conversion and is out of our control. If you are unsure of the cost of a subscription in your currency, we encourage you to look-up the current conversion rate in your search engine. We are unable to provide refunds for unexpected conversion rate amounts.
Having trouble signing up and from a country other than the US?
Credit card issuers in some countries require a verification code before making purchases with us. If you have trouble signing up and you're outside the US, first verify that there were no typos in your credit card number, expiration date, security code, or postal code. If you still have trouble, you may need to contact your bank for a verification code. Unfortunately we are unable to troubleshoot why cards are declined.