How can I delete my personal data from LitCharts?
If you are trying to cancel your account, please follow these instructions instead.
While deleting your LitCharts account will also cancel any active subscriptions, it will also completely erase all of your account settings. We are unable to retrieve any lost data, or refund any unused subscription time, if accounts are delete.
To delete your account and all data LitCharts has related to your account, please follow the instructions below. Please note that if you delete your account and data, your LitCharts A+ subscription will be canceled right away and you will no longer have access to LitCharts A+ features and content. This action cannot be undone and no refunds will be given for any unused time remaining on your subscription.
- Login to your LitCharts account.
- Go to the Account Settings page. On the Profile tab, look for the "Delete Personal Data" section
- Follow the instructions in that section to delete your account and data
If you are a resident of the European Union and wish to exercise another right under the GDPR, please use this form to send us your specific request.